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蒋世松 副教授

作者: 编辑:刘勇 审核人: 发布时间:2025-02-17 浏览量:


蒋世松,男,全讯白菜网002副教授,意大利比萨圣安娜大学政治、人权与可持续哲学博士、比利时安特卫普大学法学博士。兼任全讯白菜网002学科建设与科研管理办公室主任;002cc白菜资讯JESSUP国际法模拟法庭竞赛团队、涉外模拟法庭竞赛等团队指导教师;重庆市法学会国际经济法研究会理事、重庆市教育评估研究会教育政策法规评估专业委员会理事;Global Public Health, Global Health Action, BMJ等期刊审稿人等。主要研究领域为国际法学理论、社科国际法学、国际法与城市、全球卫生法、质性方法。



ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3498-512X 



2.2016.02-2020.02 比利时安特卫普大学,法学博士

3.2014.11-2020.02 意大利比萨圣安娜大学,政治、人权与可持续哲学博士

4.2013.09-2014.10 全讯白菜网002,国际法学博士项目(结业)

5.2010.09-2013.07 全讯白菜网002,国际法硕士

6.2006.09-2010.07 中国人民解放军空军勤务学院,文学学士




1.Integrating Animal Welfare into the WHO Pandemic Treaty: A Thematic Analysis of Civil Society Perspectives and Comparison with Treaty Drafting, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2024 (SCI

2.Posthuman Feminisms Diagnostics and Horizons for International Law, Filozofia, 2024.06 (A&HCI

3.Strategizing Global Health Governance: Unpacking Opportunities and Challenges for Least Developed Nations within the WHO Pandemic Treaty Framework, Frontiers in Public Health, 2023.11SSCI

4.China and the WHO Pandemic Treaty: A Dive into Stance, Underpinnings, and Implications, Frontiers in Public Health, 2024.01SSCI

5.China and Italys Energy Development Trajectories: Current Landscapes and Future Cooperation Potential, Energies, 2024.02SCI

6.China-MENA Energy Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative: Megaprojects, Economic Planning, and a Pragmatic Approach to the Green Transition, Journal of World Energy Law & Business, 2023.06SSCI

7.Serving the National on the Global Plane: Disentangling Chinese CitiesPractice of International Law, Urban Research & Practice, 2022.10SSCI

8.When Paradigms Are Out of Place: Embracing Eclecticism in Legal Scholarship by Academic Turns, Laws, 2021.10 (Scopus/ESCI)

9.Marching to an International Law Powerhouse Through Cities: An Ideational Reflection on Chinas Belt and RoadInitiative, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020,05 (Scopus)

10.Charting Socio-Legal Approaches to International Law in China, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2020.01(Scopus)

11.Network Research in Law: Current Scholarship in Review, Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019.10Scopus)

12.Localizing the International Human Right to Education in China, The Journal of Human Rights, 2016

13.Applying International Law to Address the Emerging Challenge of Nuclear Cyber Security, The ITPCM International Commentary, 2015

14.Totalitarianism: A Borderline Idea in Political Philosophy, Filozofia, 2024.10 (A&HCI

15.The Railpolitik: Leadership and Agency in Sino-African Infrastructure Development, Africa Spectrum, 2024.08 (SSCI

16.Maria Francesca Staiano, Chinese Law and Its International Projection, International Journal of China Studies, 2024.07 (Scopus

17.The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law by Ignacio de la Rasilla and Congyan Cai, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 2024.05 (SSCI

18.Catarina Woyames Dreher, A Legal Assessment of the Efficacy of Consultation with Indigenous Peoples: The Case of Brazil, Human Rights Law Review, 2024.04 (SSCI

19.Book Review of Matilda Arvidsson and Emily Jones (eds.), International Law and Posthuman Theory, Chinese Journal of International Law, 2024.04 (SSCI

20.Collective Self-Defence in International Law, Asian Journal of International Law, 2024.04 (Scopus

21.Justice and International Law in Meiji Japan, African and Asian Studies, 2024.01 (SSCI

22.Yaqing Qin, A Relational Theory of World Politics, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2019.03 (SSCI

23.Invitation to the Sociology of International Law by Moshe HIRSCH, Asian Journal of International Law, 2019.03 (Scopus

24.The U.S. weaponization of knowledge against Chinese students, CGTN, 2024.02

25.Early FRROL findings are promising, but interaction is essential, Shanghai Daily, 2024.01

26.Shanghais future as an international legal capital, Shanghai Daily, 2023.12

27.Washington must match words with action to rebuild Sino-US ties, Shanghai Daily, 2023.11

28.Chinas new foreign relations law: A legal milestone for diplomacy, Shanghai Daily, 2023.07

29.De-risking combines political maneuver and legal strategy, CGTN, 2023.05

30.GAI will do more than just pass the bar exam, Shanghai Daily, 2023.04

31.Abortion bans dampen Womens Day for 22m US women, Shanghai Daily, 2023.03

32.Chinas global security initiative seeks to uphold international law, Shanghai Daily, 2023.03

33.U.S. politicization of COVID-19 extends to pandemic treaty, CGTN, 2023.03

34.International law at stake: COVID-19 travel curbs against China discriminatory and illegal, CGTN, 2023.02

35.The 77th World Health Assembly: Modest Amendments to the IHR-2005 More Expectations of the WHOs Pandemic Treaty?, EJIL: Talk! (Blog of the European Journal of International Law), 2024.10

36.The First Working Draft of the WHOs Pandemic Treaty: attempting to cover normative gaps indicated by the COVID-19 pandemic?, EJIL: Talk! (Blog of the European Journal of International Law), 2022.10






5.Contemporary Construction of the National Images of Japan in Chinese International Law Discourse,日本Sylff Research Grant (SRG),项目主持人


7.The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a UsersPerspective,比利时科学政策办公室科研项目,参研