From March 9 to April 18, 2021, the 62nd “Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competitiaon” was launched online. Known as the “Olympiad” of international law, the global online competition attracted teams from more than 570 law schools representing 60 countries and jurisdictions. After six months of preparation, the competition finally came to an end. The Jessup team of Chongqing University emerged from more than 570 teams in the world and was successfully promoted to the advanced rounds (only 12 teams from Mainland China were successfully promoted). At 9:00 p.m. Beijing time on April 18, 2021, the International Law Students Association (“ILSA”) announced the award list of the 2021 Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. In the end, Chongqing University won the Hardy C. Dillard Award Best Combined Memorials, breaking their international best records since Chongqing University began competing in the competition in 2007. After 11 years, a Chinese Team won the prize again!

(figure 1: CQU Jessup was awarded the #1 Best Combined Memorials Award)

(figure 2: the Jessup online competition, from the left to the right are CQU Jessupers, Judges and Indonesian Jessupers)
In addition, the outstanding performance of individuals in the team also won the honor of the world's top 100 oralists. Among them, Yongqi Zhan ranked 30th in the preliminary rounds, the best preliminary round result of Mainland Chinese teams. At the same time, Jiacheng Cao ranked 63rd in the preliminary rounds.

(figure 3: Yongqi Zhan-Top Individual Oralists #30)

(figure 4: Jiacheng Cao -Top Individual Oralists #63)
This year's Chongqing University Jessup team was led by Associate Professor Qian Hou, Lecturer David J. Devlaeminck, and student coach Jingyi Liu, a 2018 undergraduate of the School of Law. The team members are Dan Yao, Xiling Zhou, and Yongqi Zhan, 2017 undergraduates, as well as Jiacheng Cao and Jianjun Qiu, 2018 undergraduates. During the half year’s preparation, all team members worked hard with the strong support of the school and the college, the guidance of the coaches and care in all walks of life.

(figure 5:Associate Professor Qian Hou and Lecturer David J. Devlaeminck selecting team members)
The team has made great strides over the past few years, and looks forward to improving their skills in the years to come!